Part Time Working: Friend or Foe?


A part time working model can be a great asset for companies and businesses to adopt, over the next few weeks we will be running a series of blogs examining the world of part time working. This first blog will examine structures and formats that we found helpful when looking into hiring part time staff and adapting our working model.

There are many reasons why people chose to work part time, at Office Loro our reasons range from family commitments, suitability of fewer hours, or coming to work with us as a way to top up a pension. According to a TUC report, during the years 2008 – 2014, 26 out of every 40 jobs were being filled by part time workers, only one in every 40 jobs were considered full time.

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Advanced Online Marketing Avenues For Your Business

graph-752712_1280Digital marketing is one of the best ways to get your brand noticed by potential customers. In the first part of this series we talked about the basic platforms for your business. In this addition, we are going to discuss some of the more advanced options and what they could offer your business.

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The Basic Digital Marketing Avenues For Your Business Examined

word-cloud-661059_1280As the world moves into the digital age, old style advertising is becoming ineffective. 89% of consumers are now using Google as part of their purchasing decision. This means that having a digital marketing platform is critical for your long term success.

However, there are numerous digital marketing platforms that businesses can use and some of these aren’t applicable to everyone. So what are the options and which are best for your business?

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How To Deal With No-Show Clients

appointment-15979_1280If you run a consultation service or have times when you book appointments with clients, then you are going to find that sometimes you will have no-shows. In the NHS these are known as DNAs (Did Not Attend) and are a massive plague on Doctor’s time and hospital outpatient departments.

For a business they can be just as troublesome. A DNA, while it may seem a relief, is actually an expense for your business. You have spent time preparing for the meeting, telling other clients they can’t have that time and stopped work for a bit, waiting for them to show up.

This is a cost to your business and if it happens too frequently it can seriously reduce your revenue.

So what can you do with no show clients?

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Signs Your Business May Be In Trouble!

words-416435_1280Some months in business are not as good as others. This is a fact that business owners have to contend with on a daily basis. When you have a few months in a row that have not gone as planned you can have a serious difficulties. The problem is, most business owners bury their heads in the sand or don’t realise the warning signs that there might be a problem.

Realising when trouble is coming your way can help you save your business. Remember it’s not just about the business, those working for you rely on a good, strong employer to help them and their families survive. Therefore, knowing when you need to take action and then being proactive is critical.

Here is our guide to some of the most important warning signs that you need to watch out for.

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Is The Customer Always Right? Perhaps Not!

cry-62326_1280Recently we wrote a post about how to handle difficult customers. It talked about communications, listening and putting forth solutions to settle a dispute. We also discussed how, by following our advice, you can convert an unhappy customer into a loyal brand advocate.

The problem is – this isn’t always the case.

We’ve all come across the term, “The customer is always right.” It was first used by Harry Selfridges when he opened his store in 1909. However, this saying, while it has good merits, is far from the truth. There are times when the customer is wrong and this can be a danger to your other customers, your staff and your business.

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